Careers are one of those things we spend years of our life planning and stressing about. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a common question when we’re young, then we go to school to “figure it out.” But for a lot of us, we end up falling into a career that we often didn’t see coming, or even necessarily want. It’s hard to see outside of that role, though, and to figure out what we’d rather be doing, or would make us happy doing daily. But instead of trying to figure out how to live up to the saying “find a job that you love” or something clichey, I like the idea of turning habits into careers. Trying to figure out the perfect job can be totally overwhelming and make people feel bad about themselves—because it’s hard to know what you want to be for life! It makes more sense, to me, to find out what you like to do in your spare time, then see how a career can come from that, not the opposite. It doesn...