
Showing posts with the label health

Ebola vaccine proves 100% effective

An Ebola vaccine has proven to be 100 percent effective during test trials in Guinea. The shot has yet to be approved by a regulator, but Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, has already committed $5 million so a stockpile of 300,000 doses can be produced. The results of the trial, which covered 11,841 citizens, were published in  The Lancet  medical journal this week. Of the 5,837 people who received the vaccine, none came down with Ebola after 10 days. (Those who showed symptoms before this time were not counted, as it was assumed they had been infected before vaccination.) By way of comparison, there were 23 cases in the group that didn't receive the vaccine. "We were able to estimate the efficacy of the vaccine as being 100 percent in a trial," Ira Longini, a biostatistician who worked on the project said. "It's very unusual to have a vaccine that protects people perfectly." That's not to say the new formula is bulletproof -- while its effectiveness is hig...