Medical facts that have been proven to be wrong
It's interesting to note that medical science always presents things as fact when actually what they are really presenting is not fact at all. It's only an opinion, based on the information they have at the current time. Throughout history, medical "facts" have been proven not to be true over and over again.
Medical science has stated things to be true and, in most cases, years later those things have been found not to be I Should Be Dead By Now 5 true. Medical science is almost always wrong, yet they present things as factual, as if they "know" the truth.
The medical industry presents itself as the only source of truth when it comes to health, illness, and disease. They use words like credible scientific evidence, scientifically tested, scientifically proven. The fact is that what they are really presenting are theories, and these theories constantly change.
Here is an example of "medical facts" that have been proven to be wrong:
*.Bloodletting was once proven to cure most illnesses. Now it is considered totally ineffective.
*.Margarine was considered much healthier than butter. Now research suggests that the exact opposite is true. • Eggs were considered very bad because of high cholesterol. Now research suggests that they are not bad at all, and they are actually healthy for the body.
*.Alcohol in all forms was said to be 100 percent unhealthy and therefore should not be consumed. Then the medical community said that red wine is actually healthy for the heart but not other forms of alcohol. Now "medical science" says that all alcohol in moderation actually has health benefits.
*.Chocolate and oily foods were touted to be a cause of acne. Now research suggests that they do not contribute in any way to acne.
*.Homosexuality was once classified as a disease.
*.Medical doctors touted that baby formula was much better than breast milk for children. Now the exact opposite is shown to be true.
*.Milk was recommended for coating the stomach and alleviating stomach ulcers. Now it is discouraged and has been found to aggravate ulcers.
*.Medical science stated that diet had absolutely no effect on disease or illness. Now we are told that diet has a huge effect on the prevention and cause of disease.
*.Medical science once had scientific evidence that the removing of tonsils and appendix improved health and should be done to virtually everyone. Now the medical community has reversed that theory.
*.Children with asthma were told to stay in enclosed pool areas because the humidity was good for their asthmatic condition. Now 6 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About research suggests that the chlorine in the air from the pools actually aggravates and makes the asthma worse.
*.The most obvious example of all is the fact that there are thousands of drugs that have been approved by the respective Drug Agencies because they were scientifically proven to cure or prevent disease, in addition to having been touted as safe. Then, years later, they have been taken off the market because they had been newly proven to either not cure or prevent those diseases as originally thought, or those drugs were found to have such terribly adverse side effects that they are simply too dangerous for people to use.
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In another post tomorrow you will read more about medical facts reversed. Please sign up our newsletter or follow us on social media so you don't miss it. We will talk more about the incidences in Nigeria. Trust me, you wont want to miss this one.
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