I tried a IV DRIP vitamin... Here is what happened

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy and repair cellular damage.

So naturally, vitamins and minerals are heavily debated. Are we getting enough? Too much? And what’s the best way to make sure we’re hitting our daily dose? Read enough articles on the topic and your eyes may swim with the alphabet-soup references to these nutrients (vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K—just to name a few).

While eating a healthy diet remains the best way to get sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals, there’s a huge market for vitamin supplements (or as some call it, expensive urine) and as of late people have found another way to get their daily dose: intravenously aka the IV vitamin drip.

Allegedly this is how the IV vitamin drip works:

Intravenous (IV) Vitamin Drip delivers vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly to the body for maximum absorption, allowing the nutrients to flood your body and nourish you on a cellular level. Nutrients bypass the digestive tract which means faster and more concentrated absorption than with oral supplements. Plus, larger doses of nutrients can be administered intravenously then orally, so you’ll feel better faster.

Suspected IV vitamin drip benefits:

Boost energy and immunity, cure a hangover, improve sexual function, burn fat, aid in de-stressing, help fight jet lag, and more.

My Results:

Due to the high demand for the “secret” remedy, we couldn’t NOT try it. So in this week’s episode of ‘The Wellness Experiment,’ we did exactly that (watch it here), and I totally regret it! In fact, I’ve been upset with myself since filming the episode. Why on earth did I let a nurse at a “wellness clinic” put a needle in my arm and GD knows what liquid directly into my bloodstream? Poor judgement, really, really poor judgement. And on top of being upset with myself, I actually felt TERRIBLE (instant headache, fatigue, and nauseous), I now have the flu (ironic?), and to make matters worse, I look terrible. I have acne all over my face for the first time in years which is an unfortunate side effect of B12 unbeknown to me.


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